Tips for Adapting to Homebound Instruction

It is easy these days for kids to feel like they are on the road to nowhere. For some, days are bleeding together as we stay at home. A few of our veteran homeschooling NSW moms were kind enough to share some advice while we continue to isolate with our families.


- Set up a timeline chart showing what academic skills they have accomplished so far and what the next month holds. Use a symbol/picture/marker that represents your child. Have them move it down the timeline as they complete the milestones. Keep the chart displayed so that they can see their progress. This keeps children motivated and also helps them understand that there is purpose behind the work they are being assigned. The message is “You are not on the road to nowhere and you are doing meaningful work.”

- Give rewards and acknowledgment for independence. If they are self-starting and completing work on their own, then celebrate this! If they are not, then rewards can get them started and help establish the habits that lead to independence. Some children self-start more naturally than others. It is ok if your child needs a carrot dangled in front of them to take ownership. Use whatever it takes to get good habits in place. Then you can slowly phase out the reward, while always remembering to keep acknowledgment and praise going.

- Have your child write a letter to someone a hundred years from now about the COVID-19 experience. It will give you an opportunity to discuss the historical perspective of what we’re experiencing and will also give insight into how your child is thinking about this time at home, as well as any concerns they may have.

- Routine is helpful. Keep a schedule. Keep to bedtimes and wake times, even if you have teenagers! Try to do academic work in the mornings. Eat lunch together as a family and then let the afternoon be the playtime, chores, walks, and exercise time.

- For working parents, many couples are finding it helpful to split the day. Each person does a child care shift while the other gets to work uninterrupted. Lunch together is still a valuable check-in time for everyone and will help anchor the day for your family.

- Do an end of week “check in” with your child. This should be a casual and positive time where a child reflects on the past week and learns to honestly assess their effort. It is a great opportunity for a child to own their accomplishments and for a parent to praise and compliment some of the positive traits that are being demonstrated.

- Plan for future fun together. Get excited about future vacations and opportunities that will happen when we are through the COVID-19 crisis. This is an opportunity to teach research, organization, scheduling, budgeting, patience, and even map skills. Plus, it reassures children that this is temporary and helps them look forward with hope and excitement. For many people, planning and anticipation can be almost as much fun as the event. Plus, think how much more it will mean to all of you when you actually get to experience it together as a family!


At SEALKIDS, our service providers are continuing to serve our families virtually and we are sharing homeschool and parenting resources through our social media posts. We hold you all in our hearts and prayers through this difficult time. Our goal is to help you navigate the opportunities that this storm has given us so that we will all emerge better and stronger than ever.

Wishing you great health and hope, Suzanne and the SEALKIDS team


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